区别辨析hire、lease、rent、let与charter 您所在的位置:网站首页 chartered jet翻译 区别辨析hire、lease、rent、let与charter


2024-07-09 05:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2024年4月28日 口语与词汇



hire : 多指短期租用。在英国一般指租用车、船。

How much would it cost to hire a car for the weekend? 租一辆车周末用要多少钱? You could always hire a dress for the ball if you can't afford to buy one. 如果你买不起舞会礼服,总还可以租一套。

lease : 指按照租约租出或租用房屋、土地或其它不动产。

The building's 60 units are currently leased to students of the university. 这栋楼里的60个单元目前租给了这间大学的学生。 It was agreed they would lease the apartment to him/lease him the apartment. 按照约定他们要把公寓租给他。

rent : 在英国指较长时间租出或租入房屋、商店或土地;而在美国指长时间或短时期租用各种资产以及日用东西。

The old lady rented me her spare bedroom for £200 a week. 这位老太太以每周200英镑的价格把她一间闲置的卧室租给了我。 My Dad has a villa that he rents (out) to tourists. 我爸爸有一处乡间小屋出租给游客。 I rented a car from a garage so that I could get about. 我从汽车修理厂租了一辆车,以便能够四处走走。

let : 尤指出租房屋或地产等。

They are letting their house (out) for the summer. 他们准备夏天把房子租出去。 He's let his flat to a young couple. 他把公寓房租给了一对年轻夫妇。 She has a room to let in her house. 她的房子里有一个房间要出租。

charter : 指承租大型运输工具,如飞机、轮船、大客车以及火车等。

They've chartered a plane to take delegates to the conference. 他们包了一架飞机送代表参加会议。 He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland. 他包了架喷气式飞机把她从加利福尼亚送回瑞士家里。 词汇辨析






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